Enrich and Empower

5 Advanced SEO Tactics to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

28.07.21 01:05 PM Comment(s) By Admin BinaryClues

Do you feel the Google algorithm is constantly changing, and your SEO techniques don't give you optimum results? 

If so, you're not alone in the queue because Google is becoming more powerful and smarter than the passing time. Not only that, the analysis of the web pages and its effectiveness is also changing. 

This is because Google is shifting to answering the queries within search engine result pages and directing the users to create organic leads and make more revenues. Unfortunately, things are getting harder for those who rely on the old school technique. 

In this blog, we've covered five advanced SEO techniques to drive more traffic to your website. 

Increase SEO Friendly Content Production 

The foremost SEO technique which proved to be effective in gaining traffic is unique and optimized content production. So, make sure to produce unique, creative, and engaging content that allows the website to enhance the keywords range and targets and provide better answers to the searching people's queries. 

Above this, the frequency of the optimized content that you create must align with the objectives that you’ve created in your content strategy. The main aim behind this is to generate quality leads and keep your audience engaged.

Optimize the Featured Snippets 

The featured snippet appears on every question which is searched on the Google search engine. It drives maximum traffic by using the pages on the site that are already ranking on the top page of Google. 

If you enhance the site with featured snippets, it adds additional traffic to your site. So, make sure to identify the keywords which help to rank your site on the first page. For this, you can use Moz, Ahrefs, SEMRush, and many more.

Cluster Content to Drive Traffic 

Today, the web page's rank is influenced with the relevant topic search query. Google also favors those sites that have E.A.T. Expertise, Authority & Trust. This helps to make the topic clusters by using the pillar page, which is ideal for enhancing the traffic. 

The topic cluster also consists of different pillared content centralized on keyword themes and clustered content with a narrow focus. These are typically longer and cover long keyword topics. 

Add Frequently Asked Questions to Performing Pages 

With changing SEO optimization needs, Google also includes the Frequently Asked Question structured data markup, which shows significant results. You can use the F.A.Q. scheme on your site to improve the click-through rates and get better traffic. Each of the questions that you include in the F.A.Q.; the section will be an interactive drop-down style.  

Repurpose the Old Content 

Before your content gets outdated, make sure to repurpose the existing content and create new variations in the content. Hence, by creating the new version of the previous content, you will be guaranteed to spark the audience's interest and encourage more traffic. Also, identify the pages which receive maximum traffic on your site. This will help to improve the rank on the search engine

Bottom Line 

Google algorithm is constantly changing to make SERP better and better. So, by following these ways, one can enhance the traffic on their site. These search engine optimization ways will help improve the traffic and help improve the rank on the search engine result page and help gain better visibility. 

Admin BinaryClues

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